To maintain a unified and effective strategy, OLA facilities numerous events, forums, and committees in addition to one-to-one meetings that enable OLA to listen to and understand common needs and challenges faced by member companies. OLA then identifies opportunities and solutions for all stakeholders in the countries. OLA then identifies opportunities and solutions for all stakeholders in the country’s Logistics industry. OLA takes part in numerous advisory committees of Oman’s Government, which enables us to work out solutions in harmony for the greater benefit of the Sultanate of Oman.
OLA members have access to the OLA’s community, Events, and Publications to network with other members and players from the Sultanate’s Logistics Sector.
A monthly newsletter contains important news and updates about our members, the industry (local & international), and the upcoming events.
A complimentary consultancy services to all member companies including but limited to Oman labour law, human capital management, human capital development and other industrial related business issues.
The OLA Logistics Conference & Exhibiting is an industryrecognized symposium that discusses and highlights the latest developments and directions of the industry and its current challenges and business opportunities.
OLA members can seek VAT-related clarifications, resolve their doubts and get their VAT Returns reviewed by experts before submission to Tax Authority to ensure that their business is VAT compliant, therefore they can prevent themselves from any kind of penalties due to non-compliance with VAT Law.
TFE programs are a dedicated scheme that contributes to promoting and supporting Omanization through addressing the need for basic skills for school leavers and graduates to secure suitable employment opportunities with good prospects in the private sector.
TFD programs are dedicated to the improvement of Human Resources professionals. TFD includes workshops and seminars on diverse relevant topics and aims at enriching capabilities of the workforce.
National Occupational Standards (NOS) define the level of performance that an employee must attain while performing a job function, as well as the knowledge and skills that are required.
Uses of the National Occupational Standards
● A guide to the creation of a set of instruments for human resource management, human capital development, and quality control.
● A foundation for developing educational and training programs.
● Set criteria for recruiting and selection.
● Set a standard for evaluating performance and capability.
Benefits for Employers
● Improve the quality of the work and increase productivity.
● Reduce recruitment costs by establishing criteria for employee selection.
● Provide a method for better human resource planning and management.
● Assist in the development of effective talents.
Benefits for Employee
● Determine the abilities and information required for various vocations.
● A resource for determining ability and training requirements.
● Identify and encourage different career paths.
● Increase the number of people who can work in each industry.
A NOS product called a QP (Qualification Profile) is used to explain the structure and scope of qualification for a certain profession or position.
A NOS product called a QP (Qualification Profile) is used to explain the structure and scope of qualification for a certain profession or position.
The Standard Courses framework was developed in response to industry demand, to standardize and ensure compliance with regulatory body criteria.
The National Occupational Standards serve as the foundation for the skill certification program (NOS). The purpose of this program is to assure a competent staff, resulting in lower recruitment costs and increased production by selecting the right personnel. The assessments are administered in assessment facilities that have been approved by the Logisitc Sector Skills unit (LSSU).
Analysis project on the Omani Labour Market with an emphasis on understanding and analyzing the various qualitative and quantitative aspects of the Labour Market Trends and Labour Market Dynamics in the Logistics Sector of the Sultanate of Oman. The trends cover the distribution of the workforce, historical trends, and future demands while the labour market dynamics cover recruitment, hard-to-fill roles, skills shortage, staff retention, apprentices, and graduates, and finally training and development.
If you have any questions or queries, we will be always happy to help you. Feel free to contact us on +968 9504 5596 or email us at, we will get back to you as soon as possible.